Powershell - Expression régulière - Quantificateurs de correspondance
Voici l'exemple des quantificateurs pris en charge dans Windows PowerShell
#Format: *
#Logic Specifies zero or more matches; for example, \wor (abc). Equivalent
# to {0,}.
"abc" -match "\w*"
#Format: +
#Logic: Matches repeating instances of the preceding characters.
"xyxyxy" -match "xy+"
#Format: ?
#Logic: Specifies zero or one matches; for example, \w? or (abc)?.
# Equivalent to {0,1}.
"abc" -match "\w?"
#Format: {n}
#Logic: Specifies exactly n matches; for example, (pizza){2}.
"abc" -match "\w{2}"
#Format: {n,}
#Logic: Specifies at least n matches; for example, (abc){2,}.
"abc" -match "\w{2,}"
#Format: {n,m}
#Logic: Specifies at least n, but no more than m, matches.
"abc" -match "\w{2,3}"
La sortie de toutes les commandes ci-dessus est True.